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Mini Microchip 134.2 kHz Single-Homeward Bound Pet

Mini Microchip 134.2 kHz Single-Homeward Bound Pet
Mini Microchip 134.2 kHz Single - Homeward Bound Pet
Item #: HBP1000
Price $7.00

High quality mini microchip, 1/3 smaller chip and needle than previous kinds. Readable with all Universal Scanners

Smaller than a grain of rice
1/3 smaller syringe than standard
Narrower, finer needle than standard
International ISO 134.2 kHz
Sterile (sterilized with Ethylene Oxide Gas)
Parylene Anti-Migration coating for permanent positioning
Includes 6 peel-n-stick labels displaying chip number and barcode
Meets all ICAR standards
Disposable, single use syringe
Approved for use in pets by USDA/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Must be activated by owner registration

Horse Warehouse

Toll Free: 800-530-1713
26 North Shore Drive
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
